class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Other GLMs: Poisson and Probit regressions ### Dr. Olanrewaju Michael Akande ### Oct 10, 2019 --- ## Announcements - Reminder: "Practical Data Science 1: Intro to Github" class is today. - Again, you are expected to be comfortable with Github for Team Project 2. Each teammate will be expected to contribute and push commits to the repository. ## Outline - Questions from last lecture - Probit regression - Poisson regression - In-class analysis for Poisson regression --- class: center, middle # Probit regression --- ## Probit regression - Recall the .hlight[logistic regression model]: .block[ .small[ `$$y_i | x_i \sim \textrm{Bernoulli}(\pi_i); \ \ \ \textrm{log}\left(\dfrac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i}\right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip}; \ \ \ i=1,\ldots,n.$$` ] ] -- - Here the link function is the .hlight[logit function], which ensures that the probabilities lie between 0 and 1. -- - We can also use the .hlight[probit function] `\(\Phi^{-1}\)`, which is the quantile function associated with the standard normal distribution `\(N(0,1)\)`, as the link. -- - That is, suppose `\(Z\)` is a random variable where `\(Z \sim N(0,1)\)`, then `\(\Phi\)` is the CDF, that is, `\(\Pr[Z \leq z] = \Phi(z)\)`. -- - Formally, the .hlight[probit regression model] can be written as .block[ .small[ `$$y_i | x_i \sim \textrm{Bernoulli}(\pi_i); \ \ \ \Phi^{-1}\left(\pi_i\right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip}; \ \ \ i=1,\ldots,n.$$` ] ] -- - It is easy to see that .block[ .small[ `$$\Pr[y_i = 1 | x_i] = \pi_i = \Phi\left(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip}\right).$$` ] ] --- ## Probit regression: latent variable representation - It turns out that we can rewrite the .hlight[probit regression model] as .block[ .small[ $$ `\begin{split} y_i & = \mathbb{1}[z_i > 0];\\ z_i & = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip} + \epsilon_i; \ \ \ \epsilon_i \sim N(0,1) \\ \end{split}` $$ ] ] where `\(y_i = \mathbb{1}[z_i > 0]\)` means `\(y_i = 1\)` if `\(z_i > 0\)` and `\(y_i = 0\)` if `\(z_i < 0\)`. -- - To see that the two representations are equivalent, note that .block[ .small[ $$ `\begin{split} \Pr[y_i = 1 | x_i] & = \Pr[z_i > 0] \\ & = \Pr[\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip} + \epsilon_i > 0] \\ & = \Pr[\epsilon_i > -(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip})] \\ & = \Pr[\epsilon_i < (\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip})] \ \ \ [\textrm{since} \ \ \ \epsilon_i \sim N(0,1)] \\ & = \Phi\left(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_p x_{ip}\right) = \pi_i \end{split}` $$ ] ] -- <!-- - This means, `\(y_i\)` is more likely to be equal to 1 when `\(z_i > 0\)` and more likely to be 0 when `\(z_i < 0\)`. --> - Clearly, we do not observe `\(Z = (z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_n)\)` and it is thus referred to as an .hlight[auxiliary variable]. --- ## Probit vs logit functions? - The plots below compare the inverse logit function `\(\pi_i = \dfrac{e^{x}}{1 + e^{x}}\)` and the CDF function (inverse probit) `\(\pi_i = \Phi(x)\)`. <img src="12-poisson-regression_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Notice that they are similar, but the CDF of the standard normal distribution has fatter tails (the inverse logit has thinner tails). --- ## Probit or logistic regression? - In practice, the decision to use one or the other is often based on preference: the overall conclusions from both are usually quite similar. -- - The results based on logistic regression (using odds and odds ratio) can be more interpretable than those based on Probit regression. -- - In some applications, interpreting the `\(z_i\)`'s may be meaningful but that is not always the case. -- - For example, suppose `\(y_i\)` is a binary variable for whether or not person `\(i\)` chooses to buy the new iPhone, then `\(z_i\)` can be thought of as person `\(i\)`'s "utility" in a way. -- - In .hlight[R], use the `glm` command but set the option `family="binomial(link=probit)` instead of `family="binomial(link=logit)`. --- class: center, middle # Poisson regression --- ## Count data - Suppose you have count data (non-negative integers) as your response variable. -- - For example, we may want to explain the number of c-sections carried out in hospitals using potential predictors such as + hospital type, that is, private vs public + location + size of the hospital -- - The models we have covered so far are not adequate for count data. -- - While this is generally the case, there are instances where linear regression, with some transformations (especially taking logs) on the response variable, might still work reasonably well for count data. -- - Thus, one can attempt to fit a linear regression model first, check to see if the assumptions of the model are violated, and then move on to a more appropriate model if needed. --- ## Poisson regression - A good distribution for modeling count data with no limit on the total number of counts is the .hlight[Poisson distribution]. -- - <div class="question"> Why would the Binomial distribution be inappropriate when there is no limit on the total number of counts? </div> -- - The Poisson distribution is parameterized by `\(\lambda\)` and the pmf is given by .block[ .small[ `$$\Pr[Y = y] = \dfrac{\lambda^y e^{-\lambda}}{y!}; \ \ \ \ y=0,1,2,\ldots; \ \ \ \ \lambda > 0.$$` ] ] -- - An interesting feature of the Poisson distribution is. .block[ .small[ `$$\mathbb{E}[Y = y] = \mathbb{V}[Y = y] = \lambda.$$` ] ] -- - When our data fails this assumption, we may have what is known as .hlight[over-dispersion] and may want to consider the [Negative Binomial distribution]( instead, or try a Bayesian specification (STA602!). -- - With no predictors, the best guess for `\(\lambda\)` is the sample mean, that is, `\(\hat{\lambda} = \sum_{i=1}^n \dfrac{y_i}{n}\)`. --- ## Poisson regression - With predictors, we want to index `\(\lambda\)` with `\(i\)`, where each `\(\lambda_i\)` is a function of `\(\boldsymbol{X}\)`. We can therefore write the .hlight[random component] of this glm as .block[ .small[ $$y_i \sim \textrm{Poisson}(\lambda_i); \ \ \ i=1,\ldots,n. $$ ] ] -- - We must ensure that `\(\lambda_i > 0\)` at any value of `\(\boldsymbol{X}\)`, therefore, we need a .hlight[link function] that enforces this. A natural choice is the natural logarithm, so that we have .block[ .small[ `$$\textrm{log}\left(\lambda_i\right) = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} x_{i1} + \beta_{2} x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_{p} x_{ip}.$$` ] ] -- - Combining these pieces give us our full mathematical representation for the .hlight[Poisson regression]. -- - In .hlight[R], use the `glm` command but set the option `family = “poisson”`. -- - Clearly, `\(\lambda_i\)` has a natural interpretation as the "expected count", and .block[ .small[ `$$\lambda_i = e^{\beta_{0} + \beta_{1} x_{i1} + \beta_{2} x_{i2} + \ldots + \beta_{p} x_{ip}}$$` ] ] means that we can interpret the `\(e^{\beta_{j}}\)`'s as .hlight[multiplicative effects] on the expected counts. --- ## Poisson regression - For predictions, we can look at the expected counts, that is, .block[ .small[ `$$\hat{\lambda}_i = e^{\hat{\beta_{0}} + \hat{\beta_{1}} x_{i1} + \hat{\beta_{2}} x_{i2} + \ldots + \hat{\beta_{p}} x_{ip}}$$` ] ] -- - Interpretation of `\(e^{\beta_j}\)`: + For continuous `\(x_j\)`: the expected count of `\(Y\)` increases by a multiplicative factor of `\(e^{\beta_j}\)` when increasing `\(x_j\)` by one unit. + For binary `\(x_j\)`: the expected count of `\(Y\)` increases by a multiplicative factor of `\(e^{\beta_j}\)` for the group with `\(x_j = 1\)` in comparison to the group with `\(x_j = 0\)`. -- - For example, suppose + Suppose the response variable is the number of mating for elephants, and let `\(x_1\)` represent the age of the elephants + Also suppose `\(\hat{\beta}_j = 0.069\)`, so that `\(e^{\hat{\beta}_j} = e^{0.069} = 1.0714\)`. + Then, an increase in age of one year increases the expected number of mating for elephants by 7 percent. --- ## Poisson regression - The raw residuals `\(e_i = y_i - \hat{\lambda}_i\)` are difficult to interpret since variance is equal to the mean in Poisson distributions. -- - Use the Pearson's residuals instead: .block[ .small[ `$$r_i = \dfrac{y_i - \hat{\lambda}_i}{\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}_i}}$$` ] ] -- - Plot the `\(r_i\)`'s versus the predicted `\(\hat{\lambda}_i\)`'s, as well as the `\(x_j\)` values for each predictor `\(j\)`, to look for trends suggesting model misspecification. -- - We can also use those to identify potential outliers. -- - We can still check for multicollinearity, do model validation using RMSE, and do model selection via forward, backward and stepwise selection for Poisson regression. -- - We can also perform a change in deviance test to compare nested models. --- ## Springbok analysis The data contains counts of springbok antelope around 25 watering holes. <img src="img/springbok2.jpg" height="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> The data is in the file `springbok.csv` on Sakai. --- ## Springbok analysis - Springbok are counted at each site (hole) at an altitude of 200-300 meters. -- - A survey normally includes counts at all 25 sites but occasionally some sites could not be counted because of poor weather. -- - For larger groups of springbok, color photographs were taken and springbok were counted later from the photos. -- - Several surveys, usually 7-10, were made each year. -- - Within a year, springbok are faithful to a single site. That is, if a springbok goes to site `\(i\)` on one day, it will return to site `\(i\)` on other days. -- - We want to + Analyze trend + Estimate the effects of predictors --- ## Springbok analysis data - n = 1050 counts from 1990-2002 for sites 12-21, 23, and 24. - The other sites were excluded because they usually don't have many antelope. - Three time variables: year, date (week) and hour from noon. Variable | Description :------------- | :------------ LOCNUMBER | Location Number SITEI | Site YEAR | Year (1990 - 2002) DATE | Week (14 - 42) HourFromNoon | Hour From Noon (Numeric) COUNTS | Springbok Count (Discrete) --- class: center, middle # In-class analysis: move to the R script [here](